CurrentBody Skin LED Ljusterapi Mask: Series 2
LED-ansiktsmask med revolutionerande teknik för synlig anti-aging

CurrentBody Skin LED Ljusterapi Mask: Series 1
Den mest pålitliga LED-ansiktsmasken för synliga anti-aging-resultat

ZIIP HALO Facial Toning Device
World's most powerful facial toning device for younger skin

CurrentBody Skin RF Device
Clinically proven radio frequency facial machine for skin tightening and anti-ageing

Dermalux Flex MD LED Ljusterapi Apparat
Kliniskt beprövad LED-terapi på professionell nivå för att förbättra hudens allmänna hälsa.

CurrentBody Skin LED Eye Perfector
LED eye mask for younger-looking eyes

CurrentBody Skin Special LED Kit
Limited edition CurrentBody Skin set

CurrentBody HydroGel Ansiktsmask
Förbättrar LED-apparatens effektivitet och återfuktar huden omedelbart.

ZIIP Silver Gel 80ml
The magic link between your ZIIP device and your skin

CurrentBody Face & Neck kit
The ultimate anti-ageing LED kit

CurrentBody Skin LED Lip Perfector
Ungdomliga läppar på 3 minuter om dagen

ZIIP Electric Complex Gel (80ml)
Refreshing gel for effectively conducting nanocurrent and microcurrent